If you live in Spain and want a new smartphone, this may be the best news you can read today.
Brief Summary: The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) is offering a smartphone Android in Spain by only 7.5 €. Yes, you read that right: only 7.5 Euros.
As part of a special promotion to attract new partners, the OCU is revolutionizing the network for a limited time offering an Android smartphone with a reduction of almost 99% from its original price in the market.
What this madness promotion is? Marketing Director, Alberto Rodriguez, enlighten us:
In the last year, our membership has increased by more than 50,000. Still, we are aware that many people still unaware of the consumer protection activities we conduct. That's why we want to draw people's attention on the network, and nothing better to offer a product so desired at a nominal price. We trust that the new members stay with us for generations and spread the word among their friends.
It sounds too good to be true? That was what 29 Noelia Pérez (Madrid) also thought. Still he decided to try it and received mail your Android Smartphone after three weeks.
Noelia tells us: "At first I thought it was another online scam there, but after a little research I saw the OCU is a legitimate organization already made this promotion in Italy and Portugal. So I decided to take the risk, total, it was only 7.5 €. 20 days later, the postman rang the bell with a package showing the logo of the OCU "
Apparently this type of promotion of "practically free" is a fairly common practice among companies with large marketing budgets. For example, Burger King launched a similar campaign in 2013, giving away 20,000 free Whoppers completely through your Facebook.
So you can get your smartphone for € 7.5:
Now that you are aware of the promotion, you're probably wondering how to apply. Do not worry, we will explain step by step. Here are some detailed instructions that can help:
• Step 1: Go to the page with the promotion of OCU.
• Step 2: Choose what color you want to receive the smartphone (blue or white).
• Step 3: Enter your real personal data and ends the record.
Your smartphone will be sent to the address and receive by certified mail within 20-30 days, depending on demand these days (and if remaining units). You will also receive magazines of the OCU and unlimited access to its web disposed a full team of expert advisers to defend your rights as a consumer.
In my case I helped me to claim a phone bill in which I had made some erroneous charges, so in the end, I came out winning twice.
Check here if there are units available
In this way, you can get a smartphone for a price of laughter. But what is it?
It's perfect to have as mobile emergency or for party nights or when going on holiday. Furthermore, since it is free, you can use it with any phone company and most interestingly, you can use two different cards at the same time.
I use it mainly for sports so I can track workout with GPS without worrying if dropped me. All my family has already been made with one and all are equally happy.
Update (January 10, 2016)
As I also thought it was too good to be true, I decided to order one and I received yesterday morning!
Welcome promotion smartphone for $ 7.5 € OCU ends Monday, April 25, 2016.A today are 79 units in stock. After midnight, you can continue becoming a member but will not receive the smartphone as a gift, so do not let this opportunity slip away.
saludos! gracias por su post,he encontado lo que buscaba,felicidades por su blog,por alli les dejo mis datos para que me contacte y me guie para resolver algunos inconvenientes con mi blog,necesito ayuda y me gustaria una ayudita, DIOS LE BENDIGA!
ResponderEliminarsaludos desde Guatemala, un gran aporte al conocimiento sobre la tecnologia ya que es los que que se esta usando en cualquier area que pueda existir para trabajar y ademas es de mucha importncia pra las personas con las que convivo a dirio y aprende siempre es importante actualizarse
ResponderEliminarantes de decidirse a registrarse en cualquiera de estos sitios.
ResponderEliminarCaracterística de las principales redes sociales, que diferencia y distingue cada una de ellas, cual es el atractivo que hace posible que tantas personas se interesen y participen.
Muy interesante el articulo sobre smartphone siempre hay que
ResponderEliminarestar informados de las ultimas tendencias sobre la tecnologia
mas avanzada del momento, por lo que este tipo de articulos
es bueno encontrarlos,
Fdo. more6621
Hola, l'article es bo, jo he agafat la promocio i ahir em va venir un correu certificat dient que passi a recollir-lo per l'oficina de correus de la meva poblacio. Han tardat més de 40 dies en enviar-lo, això si per 2€+7,45€ de la suscripcio inicial més un mes. La quota es mensual per un any, pero es pot anul·lar sempre que es vulgui. jmnoya2
ResponderEliminarIf you live in Spain and want a new smartphone, this may be the best news you can read today.
ResponderEliminarBrief Summary: The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) is offering a smartphone Android in Spain by only 7.5 €. Yes, you read that right: only 7.5 Euros.
As part of a special promotion to attract new partners, the OCU is revolutionizing the network for a limited time